Sunday, June 5, 2016

Wild Plums

We've identified another species! This is one of many american plum trees growing wild on the farm. We could readily identify these trees both in summer and winter by their unique bark, but we didn't know what they were before now. Since Meredithe's Aunt Nancy, or "Auntcy", came to the farm last year we knew where these trees fell on the prune to the ground indiscriminately - allow to thrive spectrum. They were the latter, but we only knew them as "ones Tim liked", unlike privet, which is closer to the former.

There is one lone specimen down by the apple trees, but there are two large thickets of them up front and a small cluster of them by the front fence. We liked their beautiful bark and pretty white flowers in the spring, but knew little about them. While Tim was on the farm for the wedding he pointed them out as wild plum and I began to watch for the fruit.

Sure enough, wild plums! Meredithe tasted one and the juice was already slightly sweet, but the fruit isn't fully ripe until later this year. Hopefully the birds will save us some!

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