Wednesday, June 1, 2016



Above is our new agave plant at planting. We put it in the ground a few weeks ago, close to the arbor along the Western edge of the garden. It's at the top of a hill so you wouldn't think that too much water would be a concern, but there is a nearby depression that holds water longer than the rest of the hill. It worries me a little, but i'm hopeful that we won't have to move the plant. Below is a picture of the same agave a week later. You can see it concentrating its energy in the upper leaves and sacrificing the lower leaves. It probably lost roots during the transplant and is compensating by sacrificing leaves. Just the shock of transplant can sometimes be enough to kill otherwise healthy plants, but the healthy looking upper leaves are a good sign. Also pictured below are a couple "pups" we pulled off of the larger agave at planting. They are looking great!

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