Sunday, August 7, 2016


Check out our first turmeric plant! The leaves are super cool the way they come straight up the center in a tight curl and slowly twist and fall open. Each leaf is bigger than the last, building beautiful foliage. The large leaves are beautiful and the plants can be cultivated easily in containers for aesthetic purposes.

Although beautiful, we are mostly interested in utilizing the roots. Similar to ginger, turmeric is propagated easily by dividing the rhizomes once a year. Later this year, when the leaves turn from green to yellow we'll know it's time to dig up our turmeric. We can harvest some of the root, but we'll be taking several cuttings, each with one bud and replanting them in late Winter or early Spring to multiply the plant.

The turmeric that we don't put back in the ground will be used in the kitchen for various uses. Turmeric is a key ingredient in yellow curry, it also gives many yellow mustards their distinctive color. It has a zippy heat too, another property it shares with ginger.

Turmeric is known for its anti inflammatory properties as well, and contains various antioxidants. Golden milk is a beverage made from coconut milk and turmeric known for these medicinal properties. Similar to chai tea, it's a spiced beverage, delicious and good for what ails ya!

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