Sunday, May 15, 2016

The NEW Wedding Garden

Our first project following the wedding involved breaking down the 50 bales of pine straw that we used for seating. We purchased 62 bales of pine straw a few days before the wedding and put down six bales on each of the two original 60 foot garden beds. We laid the 50 remaining bales out in rows for seating. They were a little low, but the ceremony was short and it added a lot to the setting for the wedding.

I came back out to the farm a few days after the wedding and broke the bales down into a sweet surprise for Meredithe. I started with the two rows on the ends to frame the garden and had originally planned on creating several boring rows running roughly North and South between them. I took a short water break after those two rows, however, and saw a beautiful, bright red dragonfly. I hadn't seen that species on the farm before and its beauty inspired me to be a little more creative. Instead of boring rows I laid out the remaining bales in a big "MG", Meredithe's new initials.

The letters are roughly 20 feet tall and 15 feet wide, but I didn't measure, I just spaced them evenly in the remaining space by eye. In hindsight I wish I had saved up a bunch of cardboard and laid it out underneath, but I layered the pine straw a few inches deep so hopefully it will suppress the "weeds" underneath it. I can't wait until it's all planted and growing!

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