Saturday, April 2, 2016

The Dave Tree

 The above photos are of our new Wonderful Pomegranate shrub AKA The Dave Tree. These photos were taken March 13th the day the Dave Tree was planted, both before and after pruning. It was the very last thing I planted that day, around 9pm, mainly by moonlight. I pruned it with the help of my phone as a flashlight, mulched, caged and watered it and went home to rest up for my marathon a couple of days later. It was a long week.

We picked this plant to represent Dave, who along with Molly generously gifted this plant and the pineapple guava to us for our wedding. He wanted a plant that reflected his curmudgeonly nature. This scraggly looking shrub seemed to fit the bill. It's not really a bush, or a shrub or a tree, it kinda does whatever it wants. It requires no pollination partner, bristles with thorns and in my imagination is rather ill tempered.

The picture below was taken just 16 short days later on the 29th of March. The whole shrub has leafed out fairly evenly and vigorously. The Dave Tree really seems to like it's new home, in spite of its curmudgeonly nature.

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