Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Pruning the Roses

Roses Before 2015 Pruning
 Meredithe has been working on the major renovation of this rose bush in particular for over a year. There are several roses planted along the fence of a similar variety and single plants of various other varieties planted in front of the lattice surrounding this main bush. Last year she removed 50-60% of the bush in the process of freeing the broken arbor and pine trees from the neglected bush. This year she took another 50-60% of the bush selecting the largest, most vigorous stems to form the backbone of the new bush.

We have plans to move the piece of lattice on the South side of the rose garden to the North side sometime soon. We planted 4 small lavender plants underneath it to the South along the driveway to get established before we remove the lattice.

After we reshape the garden from a U shape to an L shape we'll add in other varieties of roses. These new varieties will fill in the openings and help form our beautiful new rose garden!
Roses Before 2016 Pruning
Roses After 2016 Pruning

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