Saturday, December 12, 2015

Wheel Bug

Look out! It's a wheel bug! Well, if you're a japanese beetle or a stink bug, you're in serious trouble. These big wheel bugs are at the top of your food chain. That long red nose isn't just goofy looking, it's deadly. They use that bad boy to pierce the backs of their prey and inject their saliva to dissolve the tissue inside... and then they drink it. If you're a human and one of these guys gets a hold of you don't worry, your insides won't melt. However, it feels kind of like a wasp sting, with a marginal amount of additional pain.

I found this professional assassin while clearing out the front. He's a beneficial bug that eats a lot of pests, so he's certainly welcome to stay. But I'm not planning on petting him.

Wheel bugs are common in Eastern North America, but they like to hide and ambush their prey, so you don't often see them. I'm elated to see him because he's a positive sign that my little ecosystem is healthy (and pesticide free). Seeing the apex predator of a food chain usually means that the food web beneath them is thriving.

Have a good day little buddy, so sorry to disturb you. Please don't bite me, just go about your day. I'm sure you've got a lot of murdering to do...

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