The Turn Around
This little turn around, that encircles the 5 or so trees in the center, wasn't too overgrown since it's back in the pines a little. But Pee-Paw (Meredithe's father) stopped by with a battery powered sawzall so we decided to drop all of the low hanging limbs and remove a couple of stumps while we had the tool. It definitely made a big difference in clearance, both on the sides as well as above and below the truck. The foliage visible in the center of the circle is just a brush pile we created from the downed limbs, which will eventually be removed. There's a main turnaround at the top of the driveway, out in the clearing near the front of the property which we had been using more frequently. But now that the weather is warming up (it's already hitting the 80's) having this shady spot to turn around and park the truck in will be awesome! It's also the main hub of the property, so it will eventually be cleaned up and planted, maybe have a fountain or some other cool feature, but just having it opened up is highly beneficial. Think of it like the entryway to the future food forest. There's an old gate on the driveway in an old barbed wire fence line that runs East-West through the center of the property and this is just on the North side of that. There are three main "roads" that branch off of it. The picture was taken from the driveway leading in, facing North. The road to the right heads downhill to the muscadines, the road to the left to another clearing.
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