The wheelbarrow had been sitting idle with a flat tire for several months. I didn't really need it over the summer, most of the tasks required a hose and a few buckets. But as the weather (hopefully) begins to cool off the wheelbarrow will be much more useful.
Another pneumatic tire like the one the wheelbarrow came with was priced at $20. I opted for the $35 invincible tire. Made of solid rubber and set on a sturdier hub it never goes flat. Considering the first tire lost a fight with a thorn on day 3, I figured it was well worth the investment.
The new invincible tire has an extended hub much larger than the factory tire, so I cut the old spacers to fit. I've since seen tires sold with new spacers online, but measuring and cutting one of the old ones roughly in thirds was quick and easy. I just clamped it onto my workbench and cut it with a hacksaw.
The brace on the end is much closer to the larger 14.5" tire than it was on the old 13". It has some space, more than the bottom picture would lead you to believe, but it's tight. I may extend or bend the brace, or I may put a different wooden brace behind the tire instead. In any case, it works as-is for now. It's already back in action hauling pine straw out of the forest and mulching the fruit trees for winter.